Union Starfighters

The Union of Galactic Peoples learned the art of Starfighter design from the Imperial Civil War, and learned the lessons well. The backbone of the Union armada are the same ships which the Rebellion held in active use by the end of the Civil War.

Union starfighters have a distinct advantage over their Coalition opponents, in that all Union starfighters possess a hyperdrive. The Union is able to stage strikes much more eaily, and perform hit-and-fade assaults using only their fighters, without sending valuable and vulnerable carrier ships into the fray.

  • 4 Lasers
  • 2 Warhead Tubes
    • Capable of mounting concussion missiles and proton torpedos

Computer Core: Astromech droid

Engine: 4 Fusial Thrust Engines w/Hyperdrive


The T-65 X-Wing Space Superiority Fighter is a legend predating the Coalition AND the Union--its monumental role in the revered Imperial Civil War has made it a symbol of freedom and justice among core-worlders and rimmers alike. While its level of technical advancement is beginning to show its age, the X-Wing continues to prove its exemplary capabilities, successfully overcoming starfighters a full decade more advanced. Pilots, historians, technitions, and veterans of the Civil War all agree: there's just something special about this ship.

The X-Wing was designed to be a superiority fighter from the start, and holds true to its roots, able to fullfill any mission role from interceptor to bomber to dogfighter. They are incredibly durable, one T-65 reportedly even continuing to function after being totally submerged in swamp water for a short period of time, and easily maintained in comparison to newer fighters such as the A-Wing or B-Wing. The X-Wing's trade-mark S-foil system keeps its strike-foils closed flat (like those of a atmouspheric aircraft) until its weapons are armed, at which time the foils are locked into attack possition.

  • 2 Lasers
  • 2 Ions
  • 2 Warhead Tubes
    • Capable of mounting any warhead
    • Capable of mounting an extended light warhead cartridge (doubling its warhead count with light missiles)

Computer Core: Astromech droid

Engine: 2 Ion-jet Engines


The oldest starfighter still in service with an official military power, the Y-Wing predates even the famed Union X-Wing fighter. While not garnering the same level of fame as its X-Wing counterpart, it does have a strong group of dedicated pilots ready to trust themselves to the durable, time-tested frame of the Y-Wing.

Originally intended as a general-purpose starfighter with a secondary profile as a light bomber, the Y-Wing has become more of a gunship under its service with the Union: with the newer B-Wing now performing the majority of Union bomber strikes, Y-Wings are more and more often being outfitted with oversized concussion missile magazines and launched against starfighters, in an interdiction/superiority role. The success of this new application for the fighter has astounded Union pilots, who are beginning to rediscover a respect for the craft. The Y-Wing's slow speed and poor maneuverability are often over-stressed, but can become a considerable handicap against swifter craft such as the Coalition Arrow fighter.

  • 2 Lasers
  • 2 Warhead Tubes
    • Capable of mounting concussion missions
    • Capable of mounting an extended warhead cartridge (doubling its warhead count)

Computer Core: LpL-449 computer system

Engine: Twin J-77 "Event Horizon" Engines


Developed under the supervision of Jan Dodonna himself, the A-Wing was the first step into the morays of advanced starfighter development--finally, there was proof that a starfighter could equip strong shields, weapons, and a hyperdrive, and still out-maneuver the most advanced of light fighters. Used extensively in later Civil War campaigns by the Rebel Alliance, the A-Wing fighter was one of the primary reasons for the development of the Empire's "Advanced" list of TIE fightercraft. The Union continues the service of the fighter, fielding it whenever a mission requires fast interception or long-range recon. The basic craft design is so impressive, in fact, the Rim World Coalition created a research project just to produce a suitable duplicate of the A-Wing (which evolved into the Arrow starfighter).

However, as the first of a new generation of faster, more advanced fighters, the A-Wing shows a number of design flaws which later fighter designs address much more successfully. While fast, the A-Wing is rather fragile and is easily damaged by enemy fire. In its role as a fast interceptor it is constantly subjected to incredible stresses, and its engines, hull, and weapons systems require constant maintenance. The extremely compact nature of the A-Wing's frame and, therefore, its components means that even one direct hit can spell disaster.

  • 3 Lasers
  • 2 Ion Cannons
  • 2 Warhead Tubes
    • Capable of mounting any warhead

Computer Core: LpL-449 computer system

Engine: Quadex Kyromaster Engine


The B-Wing fighter was designed to be the superior heavy bomber, a role it has upheld since, with only the Coalition's recent F-124 Dragon design challenging its claim to the title. Feared by the Imperial forces they were built to fight against, a flight of B-Wings was often the last thing the crew of an enemy Star Destroyer would see. While somewhat slow when compared to other mainstream Union fighters such as the X-Wing, its maneuverability is suprisingly high, and its heavy armor and shielding, as well as its firepower, make up for the slight deficiency.

The B-Wing is rarely seen operating alone; it is usually escorted by more agile, light fightercraft. This underscores the B-Wing's dogfight value, which is surprisingly high, but does point out a weakness in the craft's design: it is intended to be a heavy assault craft, but is only as durable as a medium starfighter. A B-Wing can contend with turret fire from its target, or with attacking starfighters, but not both at the same time.

  • 2 Lasers, plus
  • 1 dual discharge laser
  • 2 Warhead Tubes
    • Capable of mounting concussion missiles and proton torpedos

Computer Core: R7 astromech droid brain

Engine: 2 Quantum Drive Engines


The E-Wing fighter was developed by Frietek Inc. (which is comprised of the core engineers who designed the original T-65 X-Wing starfighter) under special contract for the Union's Starfighter Advancement Program, to be the first of a new generation of advanced, tactically superior starfighters. Development was accelerated when the outer planets in the third and forth quadrants declared themselves the Rim World Coalition and broke away from the Union, in order to provide Union pilots with a decided technological advantage. The E-Wing was originally intended to be a high-speed interceptor meant to phase out the A-Wing, but has since proven its effectiveness as a universal, superiority fighter.

The E-Wing's only real match could be found in the Coalition's advanced F-109 Vampire starfighter--the Vampire was, in fact, developed specifically to contend with the E-Wing. While the E-Wing boasts slightly better speed and maneuverability, the Vampire claims an advantage in one very important area: armament. The E-Wing's warhead launchers are very specific, and cannot mount the wide range of weapons the Vampire can.

Additionally, the Union employs a large number of MC-80 Mon Calimari battlecruisers, and a smaller but sizable number of Imperial-class and Victory-class Star Destroyers (mostly keep-overs of the Imperial Civil War), and Interdictor Cruisers. The Union has been building its fleet strength for a full decade--its total ship strength is staggering.

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Pages coded by Scott "Draegos" Thompson. Images generated by Scott Thompson, often using ship models built by others--mainly Michael "Steele" Boewes, Andreas Kroell, and Michael Anderson.