LinksTo the greater world of BCR Productions and X-Wing Versus TIE Fighter |
Personal homepage of the author of this shipset (and this site), which he uses to show off his Star Wars fan artwork. He'd love for you to drop by.
- Totally Games
The homepage of Totally Games, the software group who developed the entire X-Wing series for LucasArts. Their last foray into the Star Wars universe is due out this March--X-Wing Alliance will be the last game based on the original trilogy for the next several years! Why LucasArts took the space sim part of the franchise away from TG I can't imagine...
- Datamaster's
A hub for editors, mission builders, and players of the X-Wing series of PC games. This is the place where all the new ships in this mission, the editor I used to create the new missions, and all the information I used to put it together, all came from (wheh-!). An exemplary source of news and conversation concerning all things X-Wing.
The home site of the only X-Wing Versus TIE Fighter mission creator you'll ever need. Author Troy Dangerfield is without a doubt the biggest hero the XvT community has, quietly creating newer and better versions of XvTED for release while others around him look for glory.
- The XvT Campaign Creation Website
A brilliant website with excellent navigation, dedicated to offering visitors all the information they coud possibly need to develop their own campaigns for X-Wing Versus TIE Fighter/Balance of Power. Every aspect of the process is broken down and described here, from mission building to .LST file editing to cutscene creation to award medal editing. There is no XvT campaign question that you can't find the answer to here.
Links to the pages of other contributors to the Path Not Taken shipset can be found on the "Credits" page, along with e-mail address when available.