Yuuzhan Vong Matalok-class
Medium Cruiser
Designation: Starship
Manufacturer: Yuuzhan Vong
In Use By: Yuuzhan Vong
Shield Rating: none
Hull Rating: unknown
Size: 1,250 meters
Crew: 850
The Matalok cruiser is commonly found in Yuuzhan Vong strike groups. This rough
analog of a Mon Calamari cruiser is heavily armed and shielded. The very sight
of one is a guarantee of capture and sacrifice to the Yuuzhan Vong gods if one's
craft is not armed and capable of escaping to hyperspace. Many times these vessels
are refitted to house a mature yammosk. The war coordinator is housed in near
the ship's bridge so the commander can quickly confer with the beast. Each Matalok
cruiser carries a wing of coralskippers.
Source: The Unofficial New Jedi Order Homepage - http://www.unjoh.com/
Design: David "Terribly
Mauled" Mather
Design Consultant:
OPT Base Model: David "Terribly Mauled"
Additional Modelling: Pranay Vaddi
Total Progress: Modelled