New Jedi Order Project Banners
These banners are banners that I have created
for this website, even though some of them were actually never displayed, I
have put them here and explained why they were never displayed in the header.

Vector Prime/Balance Point Banner - First banner that appeared on this
website and my first serious attempt at photo-editing.

Star by Star Yuuzhan Vong Banner - Never made it because the Vong was
believed too scary becauseof parents who might be looking over the shoulder
of some of the viewers of this website. With a name like the New Jedi Order
Project coupled with a photo-realistic image of a Yuuzhan Vong, it all of the
sudden makes this website seem very occultic. :)

Star by Star Luke Skywalker Banner - I decided to substitute the Yuuzhan
Vong for Luke. When finished, I decided that he shouldn't be there because he
isn't the focus of this project. That and I could never get his forehead to
mesh very well with the background.

Star by Star Blue Banner - I substituted Luke for this ghostly image
of Anakin. It looks really nifty, because it blends right into the retinted
Balance Point fire background on the left and the nebula-like background on
the right. I also changed the left hand image of Anakin to that of a droid,
which seems more fitting to the project. This banner never made it though because
I wanted a different dominant color than the Vector Prime/Balance Point banner.
Star by Star Banner - This is the second banner that appeared in the
site's header. It was released in conjunction with the book release of Star
by Star by Troy Denning. Notice it is just a retinted version of the Star
by Star Blue Banner.

Destiny's Way Banner - This is the third banner that appeared on the
website, released soon after the hardcover of Destiny's Way went on sale. The
black-matte Millenium Falcon is a recolorized version of the Falcon
on the Vector Prime Cover. A reddish Leia and a bluish grey Han are separated
by the burning half-symbol of the Rebellion, possibly suggesting how their lives
and sense of duty have been torn apart by the conflict.
Destiny's Way Green Banner - I tinted the original Destiny's Way banner
an aquamarine green just to see how it would look. Personally I think it looks
great, but I had to choose one to put as the website's main header. I might
make this one the header if enough people like it. :)