NJO Project

Yuuzhan Vong Kor Chokk-class Grand Cruiser


Designation: Starship
Manufacturer: Yuuzhan Vong
In Use By: Yuuzhan Vong
Shield Rating: none
Hull Rating: unknown
Size: 8,180
Crew: 2,140

The Yuuzhan Vong Kor Chokk grand cruiser is a gargantuan ship massing more than a Super-class Star Destroyer. These titanic vessels, dubbed "grand cruisers" by the New Republic military have enough firepower to level every city on a planet. The size of these living ships makes them ideal command vessels for large-scale assaults. Some high-ranking warriors view the grand cruiser as impractical; believing the vast resources required to grow each vessel would be better used elsewhere. For this reason New Republic Intelligence reports very few such vessels exist.

Grand cruisers actually begin life as much smaller ships, but as time and battles pass, parts of damaged and dying vessels are grafted onto the ships, a tribute to the Yuuzhan Vong belief in the sanctity of life. Due to this process grand cruisers are bizarre looking even by Yuuzhan Vong standards. Much of its great mass is due to the numerous docking arms for its coralskipper squadrons. In battle these behemoths are nigh unstoppable, preferring the enemy to bring the battle towards the heart of the Yuuzhan Vong fleet where it can shred them with its horrifying array of weapons and support craft, including three wings of coralskipper fighters. The only vessel of this class yet encountered, the Legacy of Torment was destroyed by the combined efforts of New Republic and Imperial Remnant forces at the Battle of Ithor.
Source: Unofficial New Jedi Order Homepage - http://www.unjoh.com/

Design: David "Terribly Mauled" Mather
Design Consultant:
OPT Base Model: David "Terribly Mauled" Mather
Additional Modelling:
Total Progress: Modelled

