Terminus-class Combat Freighter
Designation: Transport
Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corp.
In Use By: Re'que Import/Export Enterprises, Ltd.
Crew: 1
Passengers: 6+
The Terminus was a custom built one-of-a-kind vessel that was originally
commissioned for the private use of the Prophets of the Dark Side. It was stolen
and was soon sold to Reque Import/Export Enterprises, Ltd. after the destruction
of the first Death Star. Cathy Reque's father Sehv refitted and renamed it before
presenting the Reque to Cathy as her personal transport when she took
over the reigns of the family business.
The Reque has been outfitted with military-class combat
and defensive systems and hyperdrive since it has been in service. All it's
systems are automated so only one crewer is needed to run the entire ship if
Design: David "Terribly
Mauled" Mather
Design Consultant: Christopher Walker
OPT Base Model: Hobbie
Additional Modelling: Sean
Total Progress: Modelled