Mediator-class Battle Cruiser
Designation: Starship
Manufacturer: Mon Calamari Shipyards
In Use By: New Republic
Shield Rating: unknown
Hull Rating: unknown
Size: 1500-4000 meters
Crew: unknown
This Mon Calamari warship was developed for use by the New Republic, and first
saw duty during the dispute between Rhommamool and Osarian. It was first built
approximately fifteen years after the Battle of Endor
Design: David "Terribly
Mauled" Mather
Design Consultant:
OPT Base Model: David "Terribly Mauled"
Additional Modelling:
Total Progress: Modelled
Sean: The Mediator-class Battle Cruiser struck me all at once as a genuinely
beautiful ship from the concept art. However, I always thought that the concept
art was too pretty to realize, still I tried to stick to the sleek and predatory
lines of the vessel. The design initially came off as a thinner and more Destroyer-esque
version of the MC90 Defiance class, but that seemed far too much like
a design update, despite the radical appearance difference. So, drawing inspiration
from the Reef Home and Defiance classes of ships, I cobbled together
a model that looks like this, which manages in my opinion, to capture the ideas
of David's concept art. I adjusted the engines to fit David's original concept,
and he seems happy with it.
