The New Jedi Order Project Archive

About This Website...

The New Jedi Order Project was conceived as a modification for the game X-Wing Alliance. The final public version of this mod can be downloaded on this page.

The rest of this site is dedicated to legacy mods and software for the games X-Wing, TIE Fighter, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, and X-Wing Alliance.


These are the cutscenes that were completed for The Invasion Begins. You may view them in streaming format on Youtube by clicking here. You can download each individual cutscene to the right in high quality DivX format.

Pic 1

Cutscene #1:

Vector Prime (41 MB)


Pic 1

Cutscene #2:

Battle at Helska (7 MB)


Pic 1

Cutscene #3:

Reunion (7 MB)


Pic 1

Cutscene #4:

Spearhead (7 MB)


Pic 1

Cutscene #5:

Turnabout (7 MB)