NJO Project

Skirmish Types

AlliED MultiRegion - The ALLIED prefix means that the mission was tweaked using a third-party mission editor, namely AlliED. The MULTIREGION prefix means that this mission allows you to move through hyperspace to several different regions. Use this prefix if your mission meets this criteria. (Example: ALLIED
MULTIREGION 4P Artoo Rescue.skm)

MultiRegion - The MULTIREGION prefix means that this mission allows you to move through hyperspace to several different regions. Use this prefix if your mission meets this criteria and was NOT tweaked using a mission editor. (Example: MULTIREGION 2P Starchaser Duel.skm)

AlliED - The ALLIED prefix means that the mission was tweaked using a third-party mission editor, namely AlliED. Use this prefix if your mission meets this criteria and does NOT use multiple regions. It also most resembles X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter combat missions. (EXAMPLE: ALLIED 8P Frigate Duel - Malevolent vs Endeavor.skm)

Click here to download several Enhanced Skirmishes.