NJO Project

Voice Casting Call

The New Jedi Order Project is proud to announce an open casting call for "The Invasion Begins", a modification for the X-Wing Alliance space combat simulator game. "The Invasion Begins" is the NJO Project's flagship title in what will become an ongoing story that spans across many of the events of the Star Wars Expanded Universe. The voices recorded by you will be used for the in-game missions and for five cutscenes. Think of this as an "interactive" audio drama, where the action (and the voices) happen while the player interacts with what's happening on the screen.

The Casting Process
1. If you can do more than one voice (I.e. you can do more than one impression, like Sean Connery and Christopher Walken), then we encourage you to audition for more than one character.
1. This casting call requires you to submit a short audition in wav or mp3 format.
2. Make sure you record in as quiet an environment as possible. The quality of your recording will have a small effect on what type of part you get, although most parts will have a radio filter applied to them so it won't quite matter.
3. You will need submit your audition via e-mail. Please include your name (or nick), the audition file as an attachment, and whether or not you are reading for a specific part (You don't have to! In fact, it's easier if you don't) or a part with a certain amount of lines. Also be sure to include if you want to audition for more than one part. That's four easy things. : )
4. Please send all auditions to chrisw10@njoproject.com. If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail the address above or post questions in this thread.
5. We have 72 voice parts that need to be casted out. I can almost guarantee you that you will get a part if you submit an audition.

The Audition
This isn't anything formal, so don't stress yourself. We mainly just want to hear what you sound like and how many different people you can sound like if you're auditioning for more than one part.

You will notice a few movie characters in our cast. If you can sound like Harrison Ford or Mark Hamil or any of the others, then go for it!

Here is a general reading. Since we have 72 parts, I can't give separate readings for each character. Please read for both parts during the audition. Don't worry about the gender.

There's Jedi involved with everything nowadays...

The only time there hasn't been was when the Empire ruled.

Yeah.... you have to admit though that they've cleaned up their act.

Uncomfortable silence.

BRYON (cont.)
Why did you buy it from him?

I'm not sure... Dad said that he looked at that ship with a lot of hatred.
He was a very peculiar person. My father must have felt sorry for him or something.


The Invasion Begins Cast List
Ackdool - Mon Calamari male ship's captain - 3 lines
Anor, Nom - Yuuzhan Vong male politician - 2 lines
Aves - human male smuggler - 4 lines
Breise, Garth - human male researcher - 2 lines
Calrissian, Lando - human male governor - 1 line
Capstan, Anni - human female pilot - 3 lines
Carr, Yomin - male Yuuzhan Vong in human clothing - 20 lines
Chimaera Helmsman - human male starship helmsman - 1 line
Contact - human male spacer - 7 lines
Convoy Ship #1 - unspecified species and gender, spacer - 4 lines
Convoy Ship #2 - unspecified species and gender, spacer - 1 line
Convoy Ship #3 - unspecified species and gender, spacer - 1 line
Convoy Ship #4 - unspecified species and gender, spacer - 1 line
Corusca Rainbow - unspecified species and gender, starship captain - 1 line
Daiv, Fer - bloodcarver male pilot - 48 lines
Daredevil 2 - unspecified species and gender, pilot - 12 lines
Daredevil 3 - unspecified species and gender, pilot - 1 line
Daredevil 4 - unspecified species and gender, pilot - 1 line
Daredevil 9 - unspecified species and gender, pilot - 2 lines
Darklighter, Gavin - human male pilot - 2 lines
Dasoocha IV - unspecified species and gender, shuttle pilot - 2 lines
Doole, Tee-Ubo - Twi'lekk female researcher - 1 line
Drayson Command - unspecified species and gender, 3 lines
Dreannan, Commander Abbei - human female Jedi - 22 lines
Dubrillion - unspecified species and gender, planetside landing control officer - 3 lines
Durron, Kyp - human male Jedi Knight - 5 lines
Fel, Jag - human male pilot - 8 lines
Gunship Commander #1 - unspecified species and gender, starship captain - 1 line
Gunship Commander #2 - unspecified species and gender, starship captain - 1 line
ISD Converger Helm - unspecified gender, human starship helm officer - 4 lines
Juliupper - unspecified species and gender, spacer - 2 lines
Karrde, Talon - human male smuggler - 4 lines
Kre'fey, Admiral - Bothan male Admiral - 3 lines (one is a growl)
Kruuny - unspecified species and gender, pilot - 3 lines
Launch Control - unspecified species and gender, starship landing control officer - 1 line
Marauder - unspecified species and gender, pirate - 4 lines
MCTA 2 - unspecified gender, human pilot - 3 lines
Mitt - Chiss male pilot - 2 lines
NCC Droid - unspecified gender, communications control droid - 3 lines
Patch - human male starship landing control officer - 2 lines
Pelleaon - human male Imperial Grand Admiral - 6 lines
Pilot 1 - unspecified species and gender, pilot - 3 lines
Pilot 2 - unspecified species and gender, pilot - 3 lines
Preybird Lead - unspecified gender, human pilot - 1 line
Quee, Danni - human female researcher - 9 lines
Ralroost Sensor Station - unspecified species and gender, bridge sensor officer - 2 lines
Rejuvenator Control - unspecified species and gender, starship landing control officer - 2 lines
Re'que, Cathy - female human spacer - 68 lines
Rojo, Captain - human male starship captain - 4 lines
Ryshel - human male mercenary - 4 lines
Scientist 1 - unspecified gender, human researcher - 2 lines
Scientist 2 - unspecified gender, human researcher - 2 lines
Scientist 3 - unspecified gender, human researcher - 1 line
Scientist 4 - unspecified gender, human researcher - 1 line
Shieldship 1 - human male freighter pilot - 2 lines
Skidder, Wurth - human male Jedi - 3 lines
Skywalker, Luke - human male Jedi Master - 11 lines
Solo, Han - human male spacer - 21 lines
Solo, Jacen - human male Jedi Knight - 1 line
Solo, Jaina - human female Jedi Knight - 6 lines
Solo, Leia - human female diplomat - 2 lines
Stele, Maarek - human male pilot - 6 lines
Superior Control - unspecified gender, human starship landing control officer - 1 line
Talcom - human male mercenary - 3 lines
Tomri, Bensin - human male researcher - 11 lines
Tomri, Bryon - human male pilot - 120 lines
Tomri, Syal and Trina - human female civilian twins - 19 lines collectively
VSSD Vengeance Helm - unspecified gender, human starship helmsman - 3 lines
X-Wing Pilot - unspecified species and gender, pilot - 2 lines
Yaga Minor Facility - unspecified gender, human functionary - 4 lines
Yage, Commander - human female starship captain - 2 lines
You'krom, Der - Bothan male pilot - 5 lines

Wow! Long list! Again, so you don't have to scroll back up, please send your auditions to chrisw10@njoproject.com.

May the Force be with You!

Christopher Walker